So I know this post is a little different, but I thought I would commemorate the fact that my husband and I (and Jake) have all survived our first month together as a family! It sounds funny, but it was touch and go around the three week mark lol.
Before I became a mom I did a lot of googling, watched a ton of mom vlogs, and drove my friends with kids crazy with questions. But I think all that tenacity really paid off, because I have a list of products that I believe contributed to the fact that A) we're all still alive, and B) Jake is happy and thriving.
Just to be clear, these are my own opinions. I have not partnered with any of these companies, I just want to share a few things that have helped me ease into motherhood. If that is at all possible of course.

Dr. Brown's Bottles. The gas situation is real you guys. Our poor little man was getting tummy aches, and spitting up until our pediatrician suggested we switch to these bottles. I don't know the science behind them, but anything that keeps his breakfast in his stomach and out of my hair is a good thing!

Something else that helped with spitting up was finding a formula he likes. I'm sure most of you moms out there are breastfeeding which is wonderful, but if you're an adoptive mom like me or you can't breastfeed, I suggest looking into this formula. It's made in Europe where I've heard they have more stringent organic guidelines than the US. Regardless, once we switched him to this he started growing like a weed (a very pudgy weed), and his tummy seemed much happier.
I buy in bulk from a distributor in Germany (linked above), and I love that they send email reminders when it's time to reorder so I don't run out. Of course breast milk is the absolute best, and I’m so grateful I have a good friend that has filled my deep freezer with the extra she has pumped. Shout out to you, Sarahi!!

A happy baby is a burrito baby. Does that sound a little like a fortune cookie? Maybe, but it's also true. The tighter the swaddle, the longer the sleep! I absolutely love these Swaddleme blankets that make swaddling a complete no brainer. Just wrap and velcro shut. He may look like he lives in a padded cell, but I can assure you, without them this momma would actually need to be locked in one come nap time.
I tried other swaddles like the muslin ones from Aden and Anais (they're coming up next), but I just can't get them tight enough to keep his flailing arms inside. Plus, I felt like every time I looked in on him the blanket was partially covering his face. I'm sure I'm just not doing it right, but switching to the SwaddleMe took away all my fear of suffocation.

Hands down one of my absolute favorite baby products are these burpy bibs from Aden and Anais! They are reversible, and hold up to daily washing. My favorite part is that they can be used as a burp cloth, or snap it around baby's neck and bam! It turns into a seriously cute bib.

What list of baby gear would be complete without a stylish diaper bag? And this one from Freshly Picked does not disappoint! It was designed for moms by moms, is completely wipeable, has a ton of pockets and can be worn three different ways. I got it in navy, and it is stunning. Unfortunately the navy is not available right now, but there are many other colors to choose from like this beautiful light gray.

One of the areas I did the most research in was infant carseats. The Chicco Keyfit 30 got astounding reviews from parents and healthcare professionals alike! It's also very easy to install, and comes with a level on the side of the base so you can make sure it sits at the correct angle. Plus, it clicks into place so you know your little one is safe and sound. It also fits the Bravo stroller in case you want to take the babe on a walk around the block or park. Buy Buy Baby has a whole travel system that includes the stroller and carseat.

I kept seeing the 4moms MamaRoo every time I googled baby swings. After watching several reviews I decided to bite the bullet and get it. (It was on sale at Target.) At first Jake seemed to hate it, but then I realized I could increase the speed. Now when I put him in I make sure to crank it up so high he looks like he's about to sling shot to the ceiling, and he loves it! Future adrenaline junkie in the making I guess. FYI: Make sure to purchase the infant insert if you're buying this for your newborn. It's sold separately.

This was a gift from dear friends, and oh my goodness, do I love it! I have tried so many times to put Jake in his bassinet for nap time, and he absolutely refuses to sleep there during the day. And by absolutely refuses I mean full on melt down that would have DCF breaking down my door if the neighbors were close enough to hear! But he loves to sleep in his Boppy Lounger next to momma on the sofa. Of course there's a giant tag with a red circle and line drawn through the word SLEEP, but hey, as long as I'm right next to him I'm pretty sure he'll survive in it for a couple of blissfully unconscious hours.
And finally (drum roll please)...The Ultimate Online Sleep Class!! I'm probably going to sound like a walking infomercial right now, but this class taught by Cara of Taking Cara Babies will give you back your sanity. Am I sensing an eye roll? Let me ask you, does your baby scream and fuss an hour after he eats even though you know you fed him a full meal? Do you know how to calm your baby within seconds if he's completely flipping out for some unknown reason? If not, then this class is for you! And me. And every other stressed out mom that feels like her baby is never going to take that nap she desperately
needs him to take so she can brush her teeth for crying out loud!! Oops sorry, got a little carried away. Take the class. I promise you'll thank me.
So there you have my (so far) baby must haves. Let me know if you've tried any of the products, and if you'd like to know more about our adoption journey feel free to reach out.
What would you add to the list? Tell me in the comments below.