Welcome to what is fast becoming my favorite room in the house: Jake's nursery! It's not 100% complete (what room is), but it's finished enough that I'm excited to share. When I started designing this space I thought I had an unwavering plan. I fell in love with every single piece I chose, and created a rendering that I obsessed over every day.
But as I waited for our baby to come, and hoped that his adoption would go through and we would finally become parents, I began to rethink my choices. I guess that's what happens when you have a lot of time on your hands lol.
This is the rendering I started with.

I really loved how light and neutral this was, but as I thought about the fact that we were having a boy I realized I wanted to add some more color to make the space more engaging (and hide as much little boy dirt as possible) as he grew up. I wanted a space that could grow with him with minimal changes over the next few years.
I began the process again by deciding what pieces I wanted to keep. It turns out only the light fixture, bedding, and curtains made the cut. I hit up Pinterest of course and began saving new inspiration photos. The following is the finalized mood board I worked with to complete his room.

And now for the reveal!

I'm pretty sure he likes it! I've listed some of the links down below, but feel free to reach out if you want more information on where everything was purchased. And if you would like help designing your nursery or big kid's room, schedule your free call with me today!
Which do you prefer for a nursery, bold or neutral? Comment below!