Hi there! I know it's been a while since I've posted anything new, but there's good reason. We've recently moved into our new home, and as most of you know, moving can be a tad bit stressful! But I'm back with a new series all about updating a builder grade spec home.
What is a spec home? Put simply, it's a home built by the builder with the intention of selling to a prospective buyer. It is not a custom home, so the builder will often use very neutral or generic finishes in order to appeal to a wide array of buyers.
How did we end up with a spec home? Multiple delays from our builder left us homeless for over a month, and we got tired of moving from rental to rental! (True story.) One day we went house hunting, and found a beautiful new construction home just waiting for us. We made an offer that day, and were homeowners by that evening.
Although I'm mostly very pleased with the finishes that were chosen, I knew I wanted to add some of our personality to our new space. In the next few posts I'm going to share what we did, why we did it, and what we chose not to change.
First up: The Powder Bath
Our home is 4 bedrooms, 3 1/2 baths, and is built around a courtyard. I love having a powder bath for our guests to use, but I must admit it was B-O-R-I-N-G when we moved in. A sterile white box with no personality, it looked like it belonged in a hospital. To inject some life into it I decided to add cement tile to one of the walls. I chose to go floor to ceiling, but adding a tile border above the vanity would still bring in some interest while staying more cost effective.
After doing a ton of research I went with the Atlas I tile from Cement Tile Shop. I didn't want anything too busy or too colorful. I just wanted to add some texture, and give my guests something pretty to look at while they were in there lol! When you're dealing with cement tile the installation can be a bit more involved so make sure you hire an experienced installer.
I also got rid of the plain mirror that was glued to the wall, and bought this one from Wayfair. (If you’re on a tight budget switching out the vanity mirror is a great way to change the look of your bathroom.) What a difference it made!
Here's the before:

Not too terribly awful, right?
Now the after:

A few accessories complete the look, and now this little bathroom is ready for company. Stop by next week to see another transformed space, and if you would like help personalizing a room in your home, schedule your free call with me today!